(FreeBSD) for Linux Users
(too old to reply)
2004-01-13 22:21:29 UTC
I've long been tossing around the idea of writing a "BSD for Linux Users"
sort of essay. I wanted to approach it, not from the direction of
building a laundry list of command correspondences and differences like
that, but rather by describing some of the design philosophy and
methodology that cause the differences. My theory is that once you
understand those foundations, the upper-level differences are both easier
to figure out, and make more sense when you do figure them out.

I've had lots of it floating around my head, and some bits and pieces
scratched out in text files floating around my homedir. But I finally
took a weekend to sit down and try and pull it all together.

It's now on my webpage starting at
It's rather long (somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000 words), but I
think it's fairly readable. I'd be interested in any feedback on it,
especially from Linux users anybody might know who've had trouble
grasping the BSD Way(tm).
Matthew Fuller (MF4839) | ***@over-yonder.net
Systems/Network Administrator | http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/

"The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
haven't figured out how to light the middle yet"
2004-01-13 22:44:46 UTC
Post by f***@over-yonder.net
It's now on my webpage starting at
. It's rather long (somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000 words),
but I think it's fairly readable. I'd be interested in any feedback
on it, especially from Linux users anybody might know who've had
trouble grasping the BSD Way(tm).
1) The color scheme is damaging to my eyeballs.

2) It is way too condescending towards Linux and Linux users. We want to
welcome Linux users, not make them feel inferior. Remove your personal
opinions. Marking them as personal opinion isn't sufficient.

3) The connection is very, very slow. So I haven't read through it all.
But the above two stood out as problematic reading through the first
two pages.

2004-01-14 08:11:12 UTC
Post by f***@over-yonder.net
It's now on my webpage starting at
Pretty concise, and well written. The only problem I have with it is
that there is no mention of Mac OS X as being a BSD-derivative. That's
ok, we all still know that it's got BSD in there somewhere!

2004-01-15 04:58:48 UTC
1) Adjust the color scheme. It makes it somewhat
difficult to read though the site.
...So, if you'll look at the bottom of the navbar, there's a selector for a
few alternate color schemes. Hopefully, one of them should be a little
less painful for you.
I had done something like that at my site too:

